
November 2021 Market Update

Economic activity in November was relatively strong, with gains in the manufacturing and service sector, while global supply chain issues, raw material shortages and rising inflation weighed on expectations. With the strengthening economy and high inflation, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (“Fed”) announced that it would begin reducing its asset [...]

November 2021 Market Update2022-12-08T18:34:32-05:00

October 2021 market update

Economic activity during the month of October was hindered by global supply issues and the COVID-19Delta variant. Inflation remained elevated, prompting some global central banks to acknowledge higherinflation may persist into 2022. As reported in October, economic growth in the U.S. and China slowed inthe third quarter, while growth in [...]

October 2021 market update2022-12-08T18:34:52-05:00

RRSP rollover into an RDSP can provide tax savings

Transferring an RRSP or a registered pension plan (RPP) by will to a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) can result in significant tax savings for an estate while providing financial security for a child or grandchild with a disability. The rules governing RDSPs allow for a tax-free rollover of the [...]

RRSP rollover into an RDSP can provide tax savings2022-12-08T18:35:54-05:00

July Market Update by Canada Life

Global economic conditions continued to improve in July, but a rise in cases of the COVID-19 Delta variant in some areas of the world raised concerns that another wave of the virus could derail the economic recovery. Global service sector activity expanded further during the month as ongoing re-openings led [...]

July Market Update by Canada Life2022-12-08T18:36:01-05:00

2021 Mid-Year Capital Market Overview by Mackenzie Investments

The race between containing the COVID-19 virus and its variants versusvaccine rollout and efficacy is being won by the miraculous work of scientistsand health care workers. However, equity markets and commodity priceshave moved a long way toward pricing in this optimistic scenario.While “peak everything” may be near, the size of [...]

2021 Mid-Year Capital Market Overview by Mackenzie Investments2022-12-08T18:36:11-05:00

May 2021 market update

Inflation concerns persist globally, the loonie soars and crypto mania hits equity markets. The ongoing vaccine rollout and easing lockdown restrictions in some parts of the world helped improve economic activity during May. Globally, manufacturing and services sector activity was strong, signaling improving conditions. U.S. President Biden introduced his new [...]

May 2021 market update2022-12-08T18:36:18-05:00

April 2021 market update

The global economic outlook improved in April, as vaccination efforts accelerated and a select number of countries began easing lockdown restrictions. The outlook in North America brightened following a flurry of new stimulus measures in Canada and the U.S. In Canada, the Federal Government unveiled its 2021-22 budget, including a [...]

April 2021 market update2022-12-08T18:41:38-05:00

2021 Federal budget analysis by Canada Life

The Liberal government’s first budget in two years highlights spending measures to “finish the fight against COVID-19”, reduce our carbon footprint and provide new early learning and childcare programs to families. The deficit for the 2020-21 fiscal year is projected to hit $354.2 billion. Notable spending measures include: Childcare and [...]

2021 Federal budget analysis by Canada Life2022-12-08T18:41:47-05:00

March 2021 market update – Canada Life

Ongoing distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and easing lockdown restrictions supported increasedeconomic activity in March. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was signed into law, raisingexpectations for the recovery of the world’s largest economy, with the positive impact potentiallyreverberating throughout the global economy.Global equity markets were relatively volatile in March, [...]

March 2021 market update – Canada Life2022-12-08T18:41:55-05:00

Mackenzie Market Commentary – February 2021

Canadian equities outpaced most of their global peers for the second month in a row. Rising yields, an acceleration of the growth to value trade and booming energy prices all bode well for the S&P/TSX Composite Index. US and International stocks continued to advance, with the S&P 500 Index up [...]

Mackenzie Market Commentary – February 20212022-12-08T18:42:03-05:00
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