
GLC’s Commentary on Brexit

To keep our customers informed we publish the most recent commentary from our fund manager GLC on the results of the UK Referendum. Please find the complete article here.

GLC’s Commentary on Brexit2022-12-08T18:49:13-05:00

What To Do If You Are Losing Your Job – Part IV

In the previous parts of this series (Part I, Part II, and Part III) we discussed the financial options in a typical termination package. Now let’s focus on group benefits and life insurance continuation. Insurance Options When you are actively working, your employer might offer you a group benefits package. [...]

What To Do If You Are Losing Your Job – Part IV2022-12-08T18:49:13-05:00

What To Do If You Are Losing Your Job – Part III

In Part I and Part II I provided a “birds-eye view” of the common termination packages and focused in more detail on the Retiring Allowance (Severance Pay). In Part III, I would like to review pension options within the termination package. Pension Related Options Unlike a retiring allowance, you could [...]

What To Do If You Are Losing Your Job – Part III2022-12-08T18:49:13-05:00

What To Do If You Are Losing Your Job – Part II

In Part I we discussed how to prepare for job loss and what to anticipate in your termination package. Today I would like to address the options your termination package typically includes. Retiring Allowance (Severance Pay) A retiring allowance is the amount you receive on or after retirement from your [...]

What To Do If You Are Losing Your Job – Part II2022-12-08T18:31:54-05:00

What To Do If You Are Losing Your Job – Part I

You’ve lost your job. This feeling is not easy. Even if you expected this, it still doesn’t feel comfortable. I, myself have been through this situation twice in my life. Even though my career took a positive turn after each of the lay-offs – thinking about them still makes me [...]

What To Do If You Are Losing Your Job – Part I2022-12-08T18:31:49-05:00

GLC Market Commentary April 2016

So far in 2016 heightened volatility has been seen not only in equity markets, but also currency, fixed income and commodity markets as well. The quarter started with a significant equity sell-off that continued into February, at which point markets managed a strong rally to the end of the quarter. [...]

GLC Market Commentary April 20162022-12-08T18:31:40-05:00

Highlights of the Federal Budget 2016

The article that we posted doesn’t contain a complete list of proposals, but outlines the ones that may be relevant to the financial service industry. Please note the announced budget contains proposals that may undergo revisions before becoming law. You may wish to keep in mind that any planning based [...]

Highlights of the Federal Budget 20162022-12-08T18:31:35-05:00

Is Life Insurance Real Estate?

Why would anyone even ask this question? Of course you cannot live inside your life insurance or make a kitchen renovation there. But do we use real estate just to live in? Think of it: why do we consider buying another property even if we already own a house? And [...]

Is Life Insurance Real Estate?2022-12-08T18:31:29-05:00

Summary of the 2016 Ontario Budget

For the benefit of our friends and clients we are happy to provide you with this summary of the 2016 Ontario Provincial Budget which was released February 26, 2016.

Summary of the 2016 Ontario Budget2022-12-08T18:31:23-05:00
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