GLC Market Summary January 2019

5 years ago

Best January return since 1987 brings market back to pre-December levels. All major global equity markets rebounded in January, charting a near perfect…

January Market Insights

5 years ago

Please find the most recent market commentary from Credential. They highlight all major indicators that affected the market behavior in…

U.S. Persons and Canadian Life Insurance

5 years ago

The U.S. tax system imposes income tax on both its residents and its citizens, regardless of where they live in…

GLC Asset Management Group Outlook Report: 2019

6 years ago

Step back from the edge. Big corporate earnings and bull market gains have lured some investors to believe it will…

GLC: 2018 Market Year in Review, Nowhere for Investors to Hide

6 years ago

After an unprecedented year of calm in 2017, where investors made money in virtually every asset class, investors were brought…

GLC Market Commentary

6 years ago

November’s month-end result of 1% returns for Canada’s broad equity and bond indices mask the significant volatility within the month. Slowing economic…

Considerations for Canadians selling U.S. real estate

6 years ago

There was a very useful article published on site. In simple terms it clarifies the situation with the American…

Essential Tax Numbers for 2019

6 years ago

There are some important tax numbers that we all need to know but tend to forget. Part of the reason…

Unintended Consequences of ETF Investing

6 years ago

Attached is a very interesting article from one of our new international fund managers Mr. Morten Springborg. It was originally…

Post-NAFTA world: The ABCs of USMCA

6 years ago

It is hard to find a business related magazine or a web site that did't publish a few words about…